celestial back spine

Mongolia is the most sparcely populated country per square kilometre in the world.  That description is not enough to understand how far apart Mongolians are in their country or how they keep their way of life, as many of tham still live as their ancestors lived 1000 years ago, as nomads or semi nomads, raising animals and enduring the brutal winters that lash against these lands.  At the beginning Mongolia did not look very promising as UB is like a cloud that overshadows the earth of constant blue skies, but once you leave this chaotic metropolis of Soviet buildings and gers spread about beyond its borders, you find the read attraction of Mongolia: the rich and varied landscapes and wildlife.
I loved Mongolia: immense and beautiful, different from anywhere else I have seen in my life, and Mongolians are different as well: influenced by the Russians and Chinese, for sure, but they still keep their kind and humorous character.

To see the milky way so clearly, and that circular phenomenon.  It was fascinating to be able to appreciate so clearly the stars in the silence of the Gobi 
The surprises that Mongolia reveals after each hilltop.  It is difficult to get bored of appreciating the huge landscapes.  The sand dunes of the Gobi.  Despite the fact that they don't extend very far, it's one of my favourite landscapes.  My travel group, as we got on quite well and it was a shame when we had to take different paths.
Mongolians genetically can't take alcohol and when they are drunk they can become unpleasant.  Ulan Batar, which is a city that is very difficult to love and it has high levels of crime.  I think I eventually made my peace with UB.

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