
Only 5 hours to go before I wake up, get out of bed, grab my bag and start this trip that I have got myself into. I can't contain the avalanche of emotions tormenting me, regrets for what I didn't manage to do, sadness for what I am leaving behind and great uncertainty of what I might find. I leave behind people I value, a city I love and hate at the same time, and some say I am leaving behind stability that many want and fight for. I know I won't regret this great adventure. I know there'll be difficult times when I'll want to come back to my comfort zone, when my patience will be tested to its limits, and at those times I'll get to know myself better and see how open-minded I really am. But there'll also be times that will take my breath away, as I'll see the beauty of our world with my own eyes and discover human nature again and again. I hope to find what it is I'm looking for, although I don't really know what that is.

Venía por el camino (coming along the path) was inspired by a memory I have from my grandfather. Years ago at his farm he had a new employee who was very active and also had a special kind of past. He was one of those people who don't go unnoticed, who are liked by everyone and are difficult to forget. He had a very difficult life, having almost been a slave at a school for monks and one day he decided to go off around Colombia. He worked a few months here, a few there, and knew how to do a bit of everything! When we asked my grandfather how he found this guy, my grandfather replied: 'Venía por el camino".

The english version is available thanks to Tanya.

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Tanya said...

Excellent translation :P

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